Architecture Foundations for the Digital Age

This course is aimed at giving participants a strong foundational knowledge of Solution Architecture concepts, digital technologies and the best practices needed to work effectively in support of modern Agile and DevOps teams in large enterprises
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Designed by CC&C for level setting global solution architecture teams. Architecture Fundamentals helps IT practitioners make the transition to a Solution Architect career path.

Watch Kate Platanova, HSBC Chief Architect, Technical Domains, and CC&C Europe Principal Dan Warfield talk about how CC&C’s AF training is helping HSBC’s next generation of solution architects.

What Does Thinking Like an Architect Mean?

Based around team-based case study exercises, the course leads on Think Like an Architect as the key skill. We cover both the human context and key technical aspects of solution architecture.

Level 1 (Core) is focused on the fundamentals of full-stack solution architecture as part of a team, covering the basics of Application, Data and Technical (Infrastructure) architectures. Each team builds a simplified pro-forma architecture layer by layer.

Level 2 overlays a deeper dive into five key architecture concerns: Security, Big Data & Analytics, Cloud, APIs & Microservices, and Mobile. As each topic is covered, the teams add more layers to their classroom architecture project.

AF course content can be tailored to the priorities of your organization, including options such as alternate deep-dive modules and industry-specific case study.

Quick facts

Duration 6 Days
Delivery Method Virtual Online
Prerequisites 3+ Years IT experience
Examination No
Certification Yes
Course objective

Architecture Foundations is designed for the transition from specialized skill to the solution architecture career path.

The course is targeted at achieving Level 2 on the CC&C Architecture Skills Maturity Model: “Has established knowledge in the area, however skills need to be developed and practiced. Able to complete tasks with some assistance.”

The Level 2 skill level implies readiness to succeed in the first solution architecture assignment, with some support from more senior architects, and provides the foundations for growing responsibility and effectiveness through practical experience.

Candidates will learn the fundamentals of everyday solution architecture work with a focus on skills for:

  • Identifying design approaches or models used in existing or proposed solutions
  • Choosing the most appropriate approach for solving a given architecture problem
  • Making design choices that meet functional and non-functional requirements and organizational priorities
  • Taking key security and new technology issues into account at the right stage
  • Communicating architecture issues and decisions clearly to a range of stakeholder types
  • Demonstrating what it means to think like a Solution Architect by showing leadership in dealing with complexity and ambiguity
  • Making good decisions and seeking the right support where needed

They will able to explain at a high level how “Full Stack” solution architecture decisions are made and documented, to include application, data, tech and security domains as well as selected key technology domains.


Who Should Attend

This course is targeted at mid-career IT specialists who want to move into solution architecture or to learn more about modern solution architecture approaches in the digital age.

Solution Architect is a key leadership role, responsible for design and decision making while working with stakeholders, other architects, vendors, third parties, end users and a range of specialists across the IT landscape.

Unlike many IT skills, architecture requires a level of comfort with ambiguity and high level knowledge of a “full stack” of application design, information management, technical platforms, security and the practical implications of key technologies.

This work is often done under time and money pressures that require smart trade-offs that may have lasting effects.

The AF course is designed to help large organizations nurture this skill consistently and at scale.


There are no specific prerequisites. However it is expected that candidates will have the desire and ability to take on a leadership role of this type and to embrace the ambiguity and complexity of the work.

The course includes an assessment tool to help all parties to understand the strengths and weaknesses of ptoential candidates.

Topics Covered

Course content, case studies and supporting material can be tailored for specific needs but generally cover the following architecture skill areas:

  • Introduction to Architecture Foundations
  • The Solution Architect at Work
  • The Flow of Solution Architecture Work
  • The Full Stack Architecture
  • Application Architecture: Styles and Patterns
  • Application Architecture: Functional Requirements
  • The Application Stack
  • Data & Information Architecture
  • Infrastructure & Technology Architecture
  • Consolidated View of Work So Far
  • Security Patterns
  • APIs & Microservices
  • Cloud Patterns & Migration Decisions
  • Mobile
  • BigData & Analytics