Corporate Training Solutions

Learning Managers Need a Reliable Source of Quality Training, Available World-Wide at Competitive Prices

CC&C is a natural choice for enterprise architecture, solution architecture, BIAN (banking architecture) and digital transformation training related career paths

Our approach is to make you feel empowered to put your learning into practice. Your instructor will be an experienced practitioner who can bring their hands-on, real-world experience to life.

Our training academy model bundles a competitive per-student rate with extended support that can be configured to include services such as:

  • Courseware tailored to your culture and branding requirements
  • Live training delivered online globally, or at your site in Europe, USA, India, Australia and other key markets
  • Coaching, mentoring and career roadmapping services (see below)
  • Help with internal marketing of your training program

Strengthening Engagement with Career Road Mapping

  • CC&C’s Career Road Mapping Service is a personalised offering that typically involves four live online sessions with our advisor, plus some homework for both parties.
  • Our experts work with your associate to help them be clear about the right course for their future.
  • For the corporate environment, we can flex the structure of the service to meet the needs of your team.
  • It is normally delivered remotely using online meetings, but can be delivered in person if needed.

Long-Term Coaching and Mentoring

  • CC&C provides a range of personalised coaching and mentoring options to provide continuing support for working practitioners. Regular meetings focus on dealing with your immediate challenges while staying focused on your career and personal goals.
  • Regular one-on-one meetings focus on dealing with immediate challenges while staying focused on career and personal goals.
  • The basic service is a monthly one-hour call, backed up by email support.
  • Your mentor is a sounding board who can provide practical input and new viewpoints on the technology and methodology challenges of the moment.